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2024 Tsaigu Trail Race Regulation

Event Introduction

The 9th Tsaigu Trail is scheduled on November 2-3, 2024, in Linhai City, Zhejiang Province of China, with 3 events including 105K, 50K, and 25K. All event starts from XingShanMen Plaza and return there with a closed race loop. The detail for each event is as follows:

ü 105K: about 6,700 meters of ascent, a total cutoff time of 29.5 hours, with 5 ITRA points.

ü 50K: about 2,670 meters of ascent, a total cutoff time of 11 hours, with 3 ITRA points.

ü 25K: about 1,030 meters of ascent, a total cutoff time of 6 hours, with 1 ITRA point.

Note: The actual distance and ascent as well as cutoff times may vary due to the unknown factors.

Participant Instructions

Participants should be aware of the risks of the race, be sufficiently prepared, and have completed full race preparation for the following situations, promising to adhere to the following rules:

1) Know how to face and deal with various difficulties caused by altitude increase, such as night travel, low temperatures, strong winds, thunderstorms, fog, and rain or snow etc.

2) Be able to cope alone with physical and psychological issues that may arise due to extreme fatigue, gastrointestinal issues, muscle and joint pain, and other ailments.

3) Be aware of various difficulties that may be encountered in the wilderness and make own judgments based on personal ability and condition. The organizing committee only provides some certain assistance.

4) At least 18 years old before the race day, with considerable trail running  experience.

5) Meet the participation requirements specified by the organizing committee.

6) Provide truthful certification materials, strictly prohibit any fraudulent practices, impersonation, and fair competition.

7) Follow procedures and rules for signing risk acknowledgments before the race.

8) Strictly comply with competition procedures and rules, obey referees, and protest or appeal according to the prescribed procedures in case of any disputes.

9) Respect opponents, referees, and spectators.

10) Observe sports ethics, maintain order during the race, and strictly prohibit doping.

11) Forbidden with nudity.

12) Forbidden to destroy trail markers and signs during the race.

13) Forbidden littering intentionally and comply with forest fire prevention regulations and prohibit the use of fires.

14) Forbidden to accepting non-neutral aid outside of checkpoints.

15) Obligatory duty of participants to assist those in dangerous situations and inform the organizing committee.

Physical Requirements

Participants will not be allowed to register with the following diseases or conditions:

1) Patients with congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease.

2) Patients with hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases.

3) Patients with myocarditis and other cardiac diseases.

4) Patients with coronary artery disease and those with severe arrhythmia.

5) Patients with abnormally hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia.

6) Alcoholic drunk or those with insufficient sleep.

7) Pregnant women.

8) Other individuals with diseases not suitable for sports.

Race Sections

A race section is the part of the course between two aid stations (or checkpoints). Aid stations provide services such as food, drinks, clothing changes, medical care, etc. The basic rules for race sections are as follows:

All participants must carry mandatory items along the designated course, which should be packed in a backpack and display the bib number properly without any covering on it. During certain checkpoints, the referee will check whether the mandatory items carried by participants meet the race rules. Participants are expected to manifest the referee courteously. If penalized or disqualified for failing to carry mandatory items, please remain calm and courteous.

Typically, the aid stations provide drinks and food and can refill water containers for participants (stations do not provide bottled drinks for taking away). Before leaving the aid station, ensure you have enough water and food to safely reach the next station.

Qualifications for Registration

Participants can apply for the race event based on their ITRA Performance Index and certain marathon finisher certificates:

ü 105K: ITRA 410

ü 50K: ITRA 360

ü 25K: ITRA 270, or a full marathon ≤5h or half marathon ≤2h25min (valid starting from January 1, 2022)

Registration Fees

Register and pay via Tsaigu website (www.tsaigu.com). The registration fees are as follows:

ü 115K: 1380 CNY

ü 50K: 780 CNY

ü 25K: 480 CNY

Registration Method

The race totals about 4,500 participants. All registrants must log in to the official event website (www.tsaigu.com) or follow the official WeChat account "Tsaigu" (WeChat ID: UltimateTsaiGu).

If registration exceeds the quota, a pre-payment lottery drawing system will determine participation eligibility. Registration fees will be fully refunded to those not win in the lottery.

Registration Period: May 6, 10:00 to May 20, 10:00

Lottery drawing time: May 27, 10:00 (results will be notified through the official website, public account, SMS, email, etc., and registrants can also check the results on the registration page).

Cancellation of Registration

ü Apply before 24:00 on August 20, 2024, with 50% refunded.

ü No refund applications will be accepted after August 21, 2024.


Those did not win the draw will receive the registration fee automatically usually in one week.

Race Equipment (Including Mandatory Equipment)

Participants must carry the mandatory equipment listed below for check-in and ensure it is carried throughout the race (the following list of mandatory equipment and equipment is the minimum requirement for participants, and participants should select clothing that provides windproof, waterproof, and warming properties to ensure their safety during the race):

Special Reminder:

All participants must receive the mandatory equipment check before getting the bib number.

Only 105K has a clothing change point (located at HuangShiTan), all participants must face the mandatory equipment check along the way (all mandatory items must be carried may not be stored at the clothing change point, checks will be performed before entering the aid stations);

50K participants will be subject to a headlamp check after 13:00 at YangDu Village, and if they do not have a headlamp or it is not up to standard, they will be forced to withdraw from the race.

Race Bib Number

The race bib number will be distributed along with the race pack. During the race, it must be clearly pinned to the chest or abdomen, not covered by other clothing.

The bib number is the participant's pass to use services like transportation, medical care, rest areas, and baggage storage.

Baggage Storage

105K: Each participant can deposit two bags , each not exceeding 30 liters, before the start of the race at the starting point; clothing change bags will be transported to the clothing change point (HuangShiTan) after the start, and then returned to the starting point while the station staffs returned.

50K: Each participant can deposit one bag, not exceeding 30 liters, before the start of the race at the starting point;

25K: Each participant can deposit one bag, not exceeding 30 liters, before the start of the race at the starting point.

First Aid and Medical

Medical services are available at all service stations, and can be reached by phone to the urgent contact phone number;

The medical services provide supports to participants and the race staffs;

In case of injury or uncomfortable, participants can seek medical help at these points, call the phone number on the bib, or ask other participants to inform the race's medical staff;

Any assistance by participants to injured runners and seeking help at medical service is extremely important, but be aware your own safety in first;

Participants should understand that due to the complexity of the race's geographical environment, it may take somewhat longer for medical personnel to arrive than expected, so the first-aid supplies carried by participants play a crucial role in their own safety;

When a participant decides to seek medical assistance from the race, it means they completely authorize medical personnel to employ necessary emergency medical interventions such as intravenous injections, and medical staff have the right to decide whether the participants can continue racing and whether they need hospitalization based on the participant's condition;

Typically, emergency medical services will be initially paid for by the participant, and any reimbursements from race insurance will be applied for based on the medical records and bills after the race also by the participant;

The race committee will not provide any medical guarantees for participants who voluntarily leave the race area and route.

Checkpoints and Aid Stations

All participants must have their bib correctly (with the race chip attached to the back). Those without the race chip during the race will be penalized.

All rescue points and service stations are under the control of the race committee. Only participants with clearly worn bib numbers can enter the aid stations, which are listed in the race guide and on the official website.

There are two types of aid stations:

ü Simple aid stations: drinking water, energy drinks, cola, coffee, tea, bananas, oranges, nuts, raisins, biscuits, etc.;

ü Full aid stations: in addition to the above, there are various flavors of porridge, noodles, rice balls, steamed buns, ham, coffee, hot chocolate, and bread etc.

To reduce waste, participants should carry a cup or container of at least 150 ml to get drinks from aid stations. Trash cans and trash bags are provided at service points for disposing of waste.

Cutoff Time.

The total cutoff time for each event are as follows:

ü 105K: 29.5 hours

ü 50K: 11 hours

ü 25K: 6 hours

Each event's cutoff time at each checkpoint is clearly marked, based on the time the participant checks in at the checkpoint. Participants must leave before the closure of the checkpoint they enter. The race committee reserves the right to terminate the race or modify the cutoff times of the checkpoints when exceptional weather or other special circumstances occur.

Rest Area

For 105K, a rest area (equipped with a certain number of beds and blankets) is set up in YangDu Village. However, due to traffic restrictions, the time slot for the shuttle buses for participants who withdraw from the race is usually between 06:00-20:00. Outside of this time slot, those who withdraw from the race will rest in the rest area until the following day when they will be transported back to the finish area.

At the finish area, a simple rest area is provided for all participants, but it is only for those who complete the race; the rest area is not for sleeping overnight, so participants should arrange their own accommodation.

Withdrawal and Transportation Arrangement

Unless impaired by injury, participants should withdraw at the checkpoints by notifying the checkpoint staffs and having their wristbands cut off. Participants can still use their race bibs to take transportation, enjoy supplied meals, and rest areas.

Return transport for withdrawals is arranged by the checkpoint staffs based on the following rules:

ü Whether the checkpoint has shuttle buses that can be allocated back to the finish area;

ü Whether the health condition of the withdrawn participant requires prompt return to the finish area;

ü For those checkpoints or medical stations that only allow passage of small vehicles, there may be delays, or those stations will bring the withdrawn participants back to the finish area as they close and evacuate;

ü When weather conditions lead to the termination of the race, the race committee will arrange for vehicles to bring participants from the checkpoint back to the finish area as quickly as possible.

When participants decide to withdraw mid-race, they typically need to make their way back to the previous checkpoint or move forward to the next one to proceed with the withdrawal. If a participant encounters the sweeping staff while heading back to the previous checkpoint and does not wish to follow them to the next one, the sweeping staff will process the withdrawal and cut off their wristband.

Race Course Marking

For all events, a large number of identifiable markers are set up along the route. To aid visibility at night, fluorescent markers will also have reflective strips that are visible when illuminated by a headlamp. If markers are not continually seen within a certain range (within 300 meters), participants should return to the last place with markers. Participants are required to follow the markers and are not allowed to take shortcuts, as off-course paths usually complicate rescue efforts.


All finishers will receive a medal as a souvenir, and additional trophies, pre-tax prize money (CNY, tax is 20%), and prizes will be awarded to podium finishers (announcements will be made before the race).

Penalties and Disqualification

The organizing committee has the authority to penalize the following rule violations:

     - Other violations are judged and penalized by the referee committee;

- Violations clearly evidenced by multiple witnesses and shown in race photos or videos will be penalized post-race.


All appeals must be submitted in writing (including WeChat and email) to the Race Dispute Settlement Committee by 24:00, November 6, 2024.

Referee Committee

Typically consists of:

ü Chief Referee, Deputy Chief Referee, Head Referee of various events, and Referees.

Event Changes and Cancellation

The race committee reserves the right to change the race route, rescue point locations, and supply station setups without notice. Under extreme weather conditions or by government request, the committee may delay the start of the race or even cancel the event.

If the event is canceled more than 20 days before the start due to force majeure, the committee will refund part of the entry fee based on the non-cancellable expenses already paid by the event. If the event is canceled within 20 days of the start, no entry fees will be refunded.


Civil Liability: The race committee provides insurance during the event covering all service personnel and participants.

Personal Liability: Participants are advised to purchase additional insurance to increase the amount that can be claimed in case of any accident.

Note: For participants aged 65 who need buy their own insurance due to China insurance policy permission, and the race committee will check the insurance before the race start.

Race Guide

The race guide can be consulted on the official website, WeChat public account, and it includes cutoff times, checkpoint details, medical points, and information on checkpoints accessible to relatives.

Ranking and Rewards

Only finishers of the three official events are ranked.

Image and Copyright

The copyright of any official images (including videos and photos) taken during the event belongs to the race committee. Participants automatically waive their copyright to these images, and the committee can use these images without participants' permission, assigning them to media and collaborating brands for promotional use.

Organizing Committee Contact Information

Official website: www.tsaigu.com

Official email: tsaigu@163.com

Official customer service WeChat: TsaiGu10000

Facebook: tsaigu

Instagram: tsaigu

Right of Interpretation

All rights reserved of this event belong to the race committee.
